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Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


Banjir yang terjadi di kayen sudah 3-4 kali baru-baru ini. Banjir biasanya terjadi pada musim penghujan. Di bulan oktober tahun 2010 desa kayen pernah dilanda banjir 2 kali dalam jangka waktu 2 hari. Desa kayen jika diguyur hujan selama beberapa jam pasti akan banjir, tetapi banjir langsung surut.
Penyebab-penyebab desa kayen banjir, antara lain :
  • ·         Keserakahan manusia
  • ·         Banyak warga yang membuang sampah di sungai
  • ·         Penyempitan sungai-sungai yang ada di kayen
  • ·         Penebangan pohon secara liar yang ada kawasan hulu
  • ·         Hujan yang sangat deras
           Bencana banjir yang ada di desa kayen mengakibatkan warga mengalami kerugian. Kerugian-kerugian yang dialami warga desa Kayen, antara lain :
  • ·         Banyak petani yang gagal panen karena sawah di genangi banjir
  • ·         Jalan raya macet karena digenangi air kira-kira 60 cm
  • ·         Warga ada yang tidak bisa bekerja karena macet
  • ·         Murid-murid tidak dapat masuk sekolah karena banyak sekolahan    yang   kebanjiran
  • ·         Barang-barang hanyut terbawa banjir
Cara mengatasi banjir di kayen :
  • ·         Membuat Saluran air yang baru
  • ·         Menanam pohon di kawasan hulu seperti Durensawit, Beketel, dan Purwokerto
  • ·         Tidak membuang sampah di sungai
  • ·         Pelebaran dan pengerukan sungai
  • ·         Tidak menebang pohon secara liar di kawasan hulu
         Banjir di Kayen dapat diatasi jika kita bisa merawat lingkuangan.


 Floods that occurred in Kayen has 3-4 times recently. Flooding usually occurs in the rainy season. In October 2010 the village had been flooded kayen 2 times within 2 days.  Kayen village if rain for several hours would be flooding, but floods subside immediately.
Causes kayen village floods, among others,
  • ·         Human greed
  • ·         Many residents who throw the rubish in the river
  • ·         Refinements rivers in kayen
  • ·         Illegal felling of existing trees upstream
  • ·         Region which is very heavy rain
Existing flood disaster in the Kayen village result in residents experiencing losses. Disadvantages experienced by villagers kayen, among others
  • ·         Many farmers who harvest failure due to flooded rice fields
  • ·         The road jammed because of flooded about 60 cm
  • ·         Residents there who can not work because of traffic jams
  • ·         The students can not attend school because many schools are flooded
  • ·         lot of stuff that floods washed away
How to cope flood in Kayen :
  • ·         create a new water channel
  • ·         plant trees in upstream areas such as Durensawit, Beketel, and Purwokerto
  • ·         not throw the rubbish in the river
  • ·         widening and dredging the river
  • ·         Not cutting down trees illegally in the upstream region
Floods in Kayen can be overcome if we can take care of the environment.


Hello friends let me tell you about my felling in bilingual class. My name is Aziz Saifuddin Faturuzi Annur, I live in Trimulyo village.
           On moment to come in bilingual, I am very happy, but some week after ward I and my friends to move in Javanes and Indonesian laboratory for my class room to install computer, and AC. After that finished, we back to bilingual class.
           My class room have 32 students, 4 computers, 1 printer, and 1 LCD. In bilingual is to amuse but always task, everiday there task. My friends is right but my friend very right is Noor Aziz Sukma Adi, on moment recess I and Noor Aziz Sukma Adi is playing computer.
           My teachers is right :
1.    Mr Budi                   8.  Mrs Siti Sa'adah
2.    Mr Swidarto           9.  Mrs Niken
3.    Mr Timin                10. Mrs Chumaeroh
4.   Mr Widya              11. Mr Joko Susilo
5.    Mr Damin             12. Mr Choirun Nazuli   

6.  Mrs Sudarsi          13. Mrs Puji Dwi Hastuti

7.  Mrs Nur Rofiah   14. Mr Mudzakir

But teacher very right is Mr Damin, he is teacher to amuse.
I am very happy in bilingual friends is right, teachers is right. I am always happy in bilingual.
           This is my felling in bilingual class.
********** thank’s **********


Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

Hello friends my name is Aziz Saifuddin Faturuzi Annur, I am 13 years old, and I will deliver a speech about freedom.

Before this nation independent, the heroes take it from the hands of colonizers who had invaded the nation Indonesia for 350 years, and we must honor the heroes with a flag ceremony activity. During the colonial era many Indonesian people who suffered miserably and died of starvation due to non-paying work, many Indonesian people fought because many victims were falling, and the heroes were willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the nation free from colonizers that were Netherland and Japan. Our hero insists deference and seize Indonesian national pride, as a nation that independent, with their blood spilled off the Indonesian nation finally of colonizers and capable of standing alone, this could be our guide in taking a life, life of the nation a better and more forward, let us look back not to repeat something that happened. But to imitate the spirit of the fighters for the sake of change and creates a feeling of love and pride to the nation of Indonesia, therefore we were already enjoying the freedom. We have to pray for the heroes.

As the cover of this speech, let us see the spirit of the fighters who used to and began tossing our bones together for the betterment of our nation for future generations and for a future, so that we can all enjoy a real privilege of an independent Indonesian nation. So many of my speeches, sorry if there is one word and not pleased at heart, thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010


software ( perangkat lunak ) adalah program komputer yang berfungsi sebagai sarana interaksi antara pengguna dan perangkat keras. Perangkat lunak dapat juga dikatakan sebagai 'penterjemah' perintah-perintah yang dijalankan pengguna komputer untuk diteruskan ke atau diproses oleh perangkat keras. Perangkat lunak ini dibagi menjadi 3 tingkatan: tingkatan program aplikasi (application program misalnya, tingkatan sistem operasi (operating system misalnya Ubuntu), dan tingkatan bahasa pemrograman (yang dibagi lagi atas bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi seperti Pascal dan bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah yaitu bahasa rakitan).
Perangkat lunak adalah program komputer yang isi instruksinya dapat diubah dengan mudah. Perangkat lunak umumnya digunakan untuk mengontrol perangkat keras (yang sering disebut sebagai device driver), melakukan proses perhitungan, berinteraksi dengan perangkat lunak yang lebih mendasar lainnya (seperti sistem operasi, dan bahasa pemrograman), dan lain-lain.


Pada saat saya masuk di smp ini saya merasa tidak bisa mengakses internet dengan baik tetapi pada saat saya masuk disini saya mulai bisa, karena penjelasan guru, disamping itu gurunya juga baik, nama guru TIK adalah Bu Puji Dwihastuti. Saya sangat senang kalau ada pelajaran TIK. Yang saya tidak senag dari TIK saya selalu di ganggu oleh teman saya, karena saya selalu mendahului nya sebelum masuk. Saya bisa membuat blog karena dengan bantuan guru saya, saya selalu dimarahi guru jika membuka yang sesuai dengan yang diperintahkan.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010


Indonesia is located between two continents and two oceans. They are Asia continent and Australia continent, Hindia Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Indonesia consists of 13.667 islands, so Indonesia is called archipelago country. The five big islands are Sumatra Island, Java Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, and irian Jaya Island. The equator line passes Indonesia area, because Indonesian is located two continents and two oceans on equator line, so Indonesia has two seasons. Dry season and wet season (rainy season) . In the dry season, the sun is on the northem part of equator line. The wind blows from Australia continent to Asia continent, because it it passes only narrow sea, it brings a little amount of steam water. it causes a little rain. There is some drought in some part of Indonesia. In the wet season, the sun is on the southem part of equator line. The wind blows from Asia continent to Australia continent. Because it passes Wide Ocean it bring a big amount of steam water. It causes a lot of rain in the most part of Indonesia. And sometimes it causes floods disaster in some part of Indonesia.